Gongyi Filter Industry Co., Ltd.

Drinking water treatment PACW surface water why floating objects

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2017-12-07 13:36:15

【Reason for floating matter in the surface of polyaluminum chloride water when adding drinking water to treatment】 Due to different systems, the characteristics of suspended matter are different. There are different reasons for adding floating matter on the surface of polyaluminum chloride: 1, Large amount of dosing; 2, the market sales of PAC quality vary greatly, the quality of the use of PAC, a little better, almost no water insoluble PAC; 3, the use of PAC and other flocs to precipitation, large Particles quickly, small always suspended in water, then you can also use with polyacrylamide, to avoid such situations. Polyaluminum chloride is a water purification material, inorganic polymer coagulant, also referred to as poly aluminum, the English abbreviation for the PAC, due to the bridging effect of hydroxide ions and polyvalent anionic polymerization production The larger molecular weight, higher charge of inorganic polymer water treatment agents. In morphology can be divided into two kinds of solid and liquid. Solid by color is divided into different sepia, beige, golden yellow and white, the liquid can be rendered colorless and transparent, light yellow, light yellow to brown. Different colors of aluminum chloride in the application and production technology is also a big difference.