The factory production of PAC Ferrite is a solid product, the color is brown, the chemical formula is [Al (OH) NCl6-NLm] where m represents the degree of polyme
In fact, PACP dosage is very simple to determine, as long as we use PACP method to use basically do not go wrong, commissioning or beaker test site to obtain th
I have done a test of domestic sewage, you look at this situation is not the amount added is too large, because the amount of more than that, he will have the o
Look at the PH value is low enough to cause the degree of hydrolysis of polyaluminum chloride enough to make the treatment effect of aluminum chloride is the mo
After adding PAC, in order to form alum, adjusted to 6-9 within the best. It may be the water quality of the PH value needs to be adjusted first water may be to