Gongyi Filter Industry Co., Ltd.

Water treatment problems (polyaluminum chloride)

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2017-12-07 13:36:23

1. Superiority: PAC PAC has many advantages such as good spray-drying stability, wide adaptation to water area, fast hydrolysis rate, strong adsorption capacity, large formation of alum flower, quick settling of sediment, low turbidity of water outlet and good dehydration performance. In the same water quality, spray-drying polymerization title aluminum chloride dosage reduced, especially in poor water quality, spray-drying products and drum dry polyaluminum compared to the reduction of half, not only reduced The labor intensity of workers, but more importantly, reduce the user's water costs. In addition, the use of spray-dried products to ensure safety, reduce water accidents, drinking water to residents is very safe and reliable. Polyaluminum chloride, referred to as high-efficiency polyaluminum chloride, or highly efficient PAC. Using the most advanced production technology, the use of high-quality high-quality raw materials from reaction polymerization. Production in accordance with the national standard GB15892-2009 requirements. Polyaluminum chloride is processed through the spray-drying process, so it can also be called high-performance spray-dried polyaluminum chloride. Concentration ratio method: According to the daily use of solid polyaluminum chloride PAC, diluted into liquid, summed up the sharing of several commonly used PAC PAC concentration ratio method, I hope it helps! (1) according to the raw water conditions, before using a small test to get the best dose. Small test solution configuration by weight (W / W), usually with 2 to 5% as well. If with 3% solution: PAC polyallylate solid 3g, into the 200ml graduated cylinder, add water about 50ml, to be dissolved and then diluted with water to 100ml scale, shake well. (2) Production of PAC PAC, according PAC PAC solid: water = 1: 9 to 1:15 weight ratio of mixing can be dissolved. Alumina content of less than 1% of the solution is easy to hydrolysis, will reduce the use of effect, the concentration is too high not easy to vote evenly. (3) dosing according to the best test to get the best dosage dosing. See the settling pond alum less, Yuzhu big, the dosage is too small; see see the settling pond alum and up, Yuzhuo high, the dosage is too large, should be properly adjusted.