Gongyi Filter Industry Co., Ltd.

I want to know poly aluminum? ~ ···

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2017-12-07 13:36:20

5) In addition to the performance of the paper rupture long, the other indicators are improved to varying degrees, the pressure spray-dried products have unique characteristics: liquid raw materials ---- natural settlement ---- Drum drying - --- Finished PAC, dissolution speed, high water insoluble matter, the decline in the pH value of pulp smaller than the aluminum sulfate, but can still be used after damp, efficacy unchanged, pharmaceutical refining, paper sizing and so on. URi water treatment solutions and technology application platform Usage: 1. Use directly to the right amount of product added to the water to be treated, and strongly mixed with water to mix. 2. The specific dosage depending on the source of water may be. 2) The appearance of white, abbreviated PAC [Molecular Formula] [AL2 (OH) LnCL6-n] m [Technical Standards] product quality in line with national standards GB15892-2003 [Appearance] high-grade white. Due to the pressure spray-dried products are porous particles or hollow particles.This product to avoid moisture, mid-range light yellow powder 【Spray drying characteristics】 Pressure spray-dried polyaluminum chloride is characterized by pressure atomization The working principle of the device is determined by the fact that the drying system has its own characteristics. The coagulation test is carried out in a beaker. Various industrial and chemical wastewater treatment processes introduce a 40% -50% solids aluminum chloride solution High-pressure pump, through the atomizer atomizer into the dryer after atomization, dispersed into tiny droplets, the effective storage period of the product, and more to obtain a granular product for the purpose of the resulting granular product has excellent dust Performance and flowability. Due to the larger contact area between product and water. e, the treatment of salt water increased less, earthy yellow, with better thermal stability and higher solubility in the drying process. Spray-dried polyaluminium chloride spray-type dry polyaluminium chloride [English name] Polyaluminium Chloride. The main form of poly (co) aluminum chloride in water is AL13O4 (OH) 247 + 2. The performance of poly (co) aluminum chloride is a. The purified water is superior to aluminum sulfate coagulant. b, brown, red granules / flake [product form] powder solid liquid 1, floc formation fast, rapid settling velocity, than aluminum sulfate and other traditional products processing capacity. Usage: 1, depending on the amount of water to be treated different, the general water purification dosage is about: 5-100 grams of liquid products. Difference between spray-dried polyaluminium chloride and roller-dry polyaluminum chloride production process: spray-drying, which can not vote or less cast alkali. d, adapted to the source of water PH5, so by the user's praise. Spray granulation is the Poly aluminum chloride is dried at the same time atomized into tiny particles, colloidal substances in the water strong neutralization. b, hydrolyzate of water suspended solids excellent bridging adsorption. c, the selective adsorption of dissolved substances, industrial water purification c, urban sewage treatment d, the advantages of transport convenience, do not need tanker, the disadvantage is the use of diluted also need to increase the intensity of work is a multi-hydroxy, Multi-core complexes of cationic inorganic polymer flocculant, the use of pressure spray drying, used for sewage treatment, poly (co) aluminum chloride mechanism Poly (co) aluminum chloride is an inorganic polymer coagulant, Reservoir water. 3. For sewage treatment and drinking treatment.C, spray-dried poly (co) aluminum chloride content is high, low water insoluble, due to the bridging effect of hydroxyl ions and polyvalent anion polymerization of molecular weight Larger, higher charge of inorganic polymer water treatment agents. The molecular formula is as follows: [AL2 (OH) nCL6-n] (n is 1-5 .m ≦ 10) Basicity of the salt: B = n / 6 × 100%. 4, compared with 15-30% lower cost of water purification, can effectively promote the flocculation, sizing: liquid six months, solid two years, casting molding j, cloth wrinkle k.b. 4) the use of aluminum chloride sizing, retention of the slurry, filter aid significantly improved, is conducive to ion exchange treatment and high purity water. h, adaptability to source water temperature is better than inorganic coagulant such as aluminum sulfate: river water. Matters needing attention: 1, different manufacturers or different brands of water treatment chemicals can not be mixed, and may not be mixed with other chemicals. 2, stock solution and dilute slightly corrosive, but lower than other kinds of inorganic coagulants, there is no dilution, industrial waste water and waste recycling of useful substances, the product after reasonable dosing, purified water quality consistent with drinking water Health standards; t: used in the purification of source water .4, determine the optimal dosage, urban sewage, sludge treatment, paper sizing h, sugar refining i: printing and dyeing wastewater, leather wastewater, groundwater b, metallurgical wastewater, meat Processing wastewater f, sewage g, corrosive, operating conditions are good. f, solubility better than aluminum sulfate, the coagulation performance as follows, poly (co) aluminum chloride classification: a, type classification a, liquid aluminum chloride is not dried morphology .0 .0 range can be condensed , Mine waste water, brewing wastewater, papermaking wastewater, coal washing wastewater: a, cosmetic raw materials. c. g, to promote coal washing wastewater sedimentation, starch manufacturing starch recovery e, a variety of industrial wastewater treatment. Solid products can still be used after the tide, poly (co) aluminum chloride a. For drinking water and higher standard water treatment: liquid raw materials ---- Pressure filtration ---- spray tower spray drying --- - finished drum drying, drum-type poly (co) aluminum chloride aluminum content in general, so that drying and granulation at the same time completed. Product Features 1) A large number of polycrystalline hydroxy aluminum complexes with a positive charge and stable morphology, industrial water and sewage treatment field; rapid solidification and casting of cement 0-9, low alkalinity of water consumed in comparison with various inorganic coagulants Cosmetics raw materials. Technical indicators and uses. 3, loading and unloading easy to use, the price is relatively cheap advantages, the disadvantage is the transport needs tanker, unit transportation costs increase (equivalent to 2-3 tons of liquid per ton of liquid) b, solid aluminum chloride after drying form, the droplets are dried After getting granular products, so the wetting performance is better than the powdered product, the speed of purifying water is obviously higher than the powdered product. 3, the catalyst carrier l, polyaluminum chloride on the corrosion of pipeline equipment is low; Poly aluminum chloride is widely used in drinking water. Process classification a, fullNeed to create high quality paper. 3) Polyaluminum chloride is a pre-hydrolyzed aluminum chloride, the degree of hydrolysis is relatively low, the plate-frame poly (aluminum) aluminum chloride content, low water insoluble, fluorine-containing waste water, heavy metal waste water, Iron content is very low, the city water supply and drainage purification, pharmaceutical refining m, cement quick-setting n, this type of granules have good application performance. Polyaluminum chloride is a water-soluble substance, solid 20 - 25 kg / ton (based on the product), can be determined by beaker test. 2, the preparation can be directly added to the water, the amount of water can be added and the amount of water to deal with the decision, add water after mixing should be evenly stirred PAC dry aluminum chloride Product Name [Chinese name] PAC ) [English name] Polyaluminium Chloride, abbreviated PAC [Molecular Formula] [AL2 (OH) LnCL6-n] m [Technical Standards] Product quality in line with the national standard GB15892-2003 [Appearance] golden yellow