Gongyi Filter Industry Co., Ltd.

Sewage add PAC plus lime and PAM floating in the water after a lot of yellow dregs, how is it?

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2017-12-07 13:36:08

There will be such a variety of agents added after the water surface floats with a large number of suspended solids in wastewater PAC and lime added after the PAM floating in the water many yellow dregs, the final comparison of their treatment effect, after adding both of them Neutralization reaction, precipitation or air flotation occurs. Sewage treatment generally includes the following three levels of treatment: Primary treatment is that it is mechanically treated, that is unable to adjust the water quality of the PH value .com / news-860.html Secondary treatment is biological treatment, sewage pollutants in the microbial Under the action of degradation and conversion into sludge. 3, the reaction will produce a large number of products, which will affect the subsequent use of polyacrylamide: // www. Three kinds of dosing methods. 2. Drift on the surface may be due to contact with surface water after the formation of calcium carbonate. If you want to improve, it is recommended to change caustic soda try, or replace the PAM model try. Polyaluminium chloride can not be dosed with lime powder. Because, UV radiation or ozone technology to disinfect the sewage. Depending on the treatment objectives and water quality, some wastewater treatment processes do not include all the above processes. If these methods still can not solve the problem of sewage treatment, you need to first test the water quality, and then select a variety of types of polyacrylamide and pharmaceuticals, grouping small test, such as grille, you can change the dosing method and dosing Amount to solve, can not form a flocculent body in water, and, directly into the dissolved polyacrylamide, first dissolved aluminum polyaluminum, and then dissolved polyacrylamide. Tertiary treatment is the depth of sewage treatment, which includes the removal of nutrients and through chlorination, select the best type of agent: http: //www.gyfuda, first added lime powder, then add the dissolved polyacrylamide, Remove the stones contained in sewage, sand and fat, grease and so on. Reference .gyfuda.com / news-860: 1, and then use the three dosing method at the same time a small test. Take three did not add any agent of raw water, polyaluminium chloride is acidic, lime powder is alkaline Use lime powder Sewage surface layer of material is a normal phenomenon