Gongyi Filter Industry Co., Ltd.

Polyaluminum chloride manufacturers analyze what harmful substances in the water?

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2017-12-13 14:41:57

Polyaluminum chloride manufacturers analyze what harmful substances in the water? Polyaluminum chloride manufacturers contain minerals that are essential to the body: calcium and magnesium ions in water reduce the risk of shock to the heart, the ideal hardness is 170mg / L; TDS (total dissolved solids) is used to measure all minerals in drinking water , Drinking water containing TDS high risk of heart disease, cancer and chronic diseases than drinking low TDS water is low, the ideal TDS is 300mg / L. Alkaline (PH> 7) water. Studies have found that: PH of water is also a key factor in reducing cancer mortality, drinking alkaline water is less likely to have cardiovascular disease than acidic water. At present, the situation of water pollution in our country is grim, mainly from the past biological contamination (pathogenic microorganisms) to chemical pollution, especially organic pollution. Among them, the long-term accumulation of refractory organic substances in the human body has a great harm to human health. Urban transmission and distribution pipe aging, as well as residual chlorine water plant disinfection, resulting in poor drinking water quality. Poly aluminum chloride manufacturers need to be noted that the toxic and harmful chemicals in the water through the digestive system into the body is not the main way of toxic and harmful substances in the water can also penetrate the human skin into the body, studies have shown that: the human body of harmful chemicals One-third of the intake is swallowed through the mouth, two thirds after bathing, washing and so on through the skin into the body. This is due to the fact that the skin is a fat-soluble substance that is more easily absorbed than it is easier to dissolve the organic substance through the digestive system. So to maintain a healthy body, only pay attention to the quality of drinking water is not enough, the concept of whole house water should be widespread attention of the whole society.